Jet/ turboprop/ large prop aircraft test report: Date of Report: November 22, 1998 Tested by: Mike Carvelas TCA #2137 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: (Original FSFS aircraft details.) a) Aircraft name: BAe-146-200 b) Aircraft registration: PJ-TBEA c) Aircraft Filename: TCA-B146.ZIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (FS98 only aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: b) Aircraft registration: c) Aircraft filename: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) *** TAKE OFF PARAMETERS 1) Take-off distance: 1138 m 2) Rotation speed (Vr): (max fuel) KIAS. a) Educated guess: 120 KIAS b) Calculated: 131 KIAS 4) Climb: Airspeed & feet per minute. KIAS/fpm a) Initial Climb: (Under 3000') 200 KIAS/3000fpm b) Under 10000' climb: 225 KIAS/3000fpm c) Over 10000'climb: 300 KIAS/3000fpm *** CRUISE PARAMETERS 5) Endurance (range): 3364 nm 6) Overspeed clacker: Mach number/KIAS no overspeed clacker. Max speed at M0.85 7) Speed @ 80% N1, FL310 (FL200 for turbo-props): M 0.75 8) % N1 at recommended economic cruise speed: 67% *** LANDING PARAMETERS 9) Descent: 250 KIAS / 2500 fpm 10) Approach speed 30% fuel (KIAS): 130 KIAS 11) Landing speed (KIAS): a) 30% fuel: 130 KIAS b) 15% fuel: 130 KIAS 12) Landing distance: 557 m *** HANDLING PARAMETERS 13) Behavior under AP: (OK or not)! a) Speed AP. OK b) Altitude AP. OK c) Heading AP. OK d) NAV1 AP. OK e) Back course AP. OK f) Approach AP. OK g) Autoland. N/A 14) Stall speed: (KIAS) a) 100% fuel - 118 / 101 b) 30% fuel - 108 / 93 15) Turns AP ON - (OK or not?) a) Level turns OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK 16) Turns AP OFF - (OK or not?) a) Level turns OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK *** EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 17) Take-off with some engines out of service: One engine cut at 100 KIAS. There was constant pull to that side but liftoff was at the expected KIAS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: There are two panels that I found. One on our panel page which had serious problems. Two gauges were missing completely and the use of that panel tended to crash the FS98 program. There is also a panel by Han Tilroe which apparently works well. The aircraft itself looks and works well and would prove to be useful on short haul lines.